Entry #6 - Best Streaming

 In today's digital age, streaming services have revolutionized the way we consume entertainment. there are so many platforms that provide streaming, it can be hard to choose. Making the decision is even harder when each service has shows or movies specific to the platform. So here is some pros and cons for a few of today's biggest streaming services. Netflix, being the most popular, is one of the top choices for many viewers. They have a wide selection to choose from, along with their originals like "Stranger Things" and "The Crown". Along with a wide selection, the platform is very easy to navigate. Netflix does have some downfalls as well, like the rotation of all their content. Lots of shows come and go, leaving those that may have purchased the subscription for that show having to look elsewhere, like Hulu. Hulu, similar to Netflix has a lot of variety, but it also allows for next-day access to currently streaming TV shows. Most shows, viewers have to wait until the season is over and then a couple months before it is available on streaming platforms. Hulu offers a lower price to stream most shows but at one cost, ads. Having a lower cost is a great quality but the price of watching ads isn't so much. The length of the ad is not a big deal at all, but the annoyance of it is. Last but not least, HBO Max. HBO is a great option as well. They have critically acclaimed series such as "Game of Thrones" and "Succession". With a great selection of series, they also have a great selection of films, many being Warner Bros. releases. The biggest flaw of HBO being a high price point. All streaming services have a pretty high cost, depending on which service chosen, but it leaves viewers having to choose only one streaming platform rather than having multiple at low costs. Finding the right platform depends on the person but the right one is out there. It may just be one or it may be all of them but each service
is a great choice to consider. 


  1. I agree completely with you straight in the beginning since streaming services really have shaped entertainment in many ways for people. It can make learning and finding new interests easier.

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